Saturday, August 19, 2006

New thing: "Best bit -
according to me!"

Today we launch a brand new thing on the It's A Fun Clip™ blognet service called "Best bit - according to me!" where everyone can share their thoughts on what was the best bit (according to him or her) in the clip they just saw. It's amazing! The rules are simple: Post a comment to the clip where you tell the world what the best bit was - according to you. NB: You MUST start the comment with "Best bit - according to me:" or the world will ignore your thoughts on the best bit in the clip - according to you. All for now. We'll talk more as we release the next exiting service for you - Viewers Of Fun Clips.


Editorial desk, It's A Fun Clip?

Best bit - according to me: "him or her"
Best bit - according to me: that question mark at the end. It just... rocks you. (Me.)
Hi Silly (no offence!). Nice to meet you to - i am not a chinese girl.
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