Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ricky Gervais and Stephen
Merchant for Microsoft

New thing: "Best bit -
according to me!"

Today we launch a brand new thing on the It's A Fun Clip™ blognet service called "Best bit - according to me!" where everyone can share their thoughts on what was the best bit (according to him or her) in the clip they just saw. It's amazing! The rules are simple: Post a comment to the clip where you tell the world what the best bit was - according to you. NB: You MUST start the comment with "Best bit - according to me:" or the world will ignore your thoughts on the best bit in the clip - according to you. All for now. We'll talk more as we release the next exiting service for you - Viewers Of Fun Clips.


Editorial desk, It's A Fun Clip?

Interview with Richard Pryor

"Other Music" by Human Giant

Friday, August 18, 2006

Oldie/Goldie: Bush on Global

That little laugh there, 02:44 in...

Zach Galifianakis/Seth

Super Nerds (Entire pilot!)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sarah Silverman on grandma

John Pinette!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Do's and Don'ts in prison
(from 'Fist of fun')

Arrested Development - Tobias
Gets An Audition

Jeffrey Ross at the Pamela
Anderson roast

Steve Martin: Comedy Is Not
Pretty (1980), part 1 of 7

The final six parts available on YouTube

Kids in The Hall: Daves i know

Lookwell! - entire pilot

More stream of conciousness
comedy from Stella

Michel Gondry and David Cross:
One Day

Weird Al interviews Ozzy

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pokémon on Norm

MadTV Flashlight Sketch

Borat on MySpace

Rowan Atkinson: Pink tights
and plenty of props

Yacht Rock - episode 1

Daily Show's Trendspotting with
Demetri Martin on Hookahs

Saddam and Osama

Taco Town

Father vs. Son

Andy Kindler at the rodeo

Dane Cook!

Metal by numbers (Brian Posehn)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Stewart Lee on Ang Lee

The boys of Stella on God

Trailer Park Boys: The Movie

Ricky Gervais in a commercial
for a job site for disabled people

Demetri Martin Trendspotting

Borat Theatrical Trailer

Jamie Foxx vs. Doug Williams

Demetri Martin on

Stewart Lee's opinions on
tributes to Diana & Charles Darwin

A situation - by The Distractions
starring Jon Dore

Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager
(episode 2)

Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager
(episode 1)

Nut Valet - Dragon Boy Suede
and Morgan Murphy


Clell Tickle: Indie Marketing Guru
by The Human Giant.